
How to stake.

INSTRUCTIONS How to Stake. 1. Copy the URL https://www.votonx.exchange/Staking 2. Make sure your wallet is on the polygon network 3. Paste into your internal web browser in metamask or whatever wallet you are using 4. Follow socials as prompted 5.…

Recent Space from X

Hear our recent Space from X with; John Pierson COO @ Magnetic miles, Barry Grant Marshall @BGMCREATIVE MMLLC Marketing/Board Member, Michael @Voidwalking1, Votonx Division Director/ Senior BChain Dev & David @ DMKrypto Votonx Marketing/Chain DevRel Engineer. #VTNX https://votonx.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/MMLLC-Votonx-X-Spaces-Event-_mixdown.mp3

New Energy Technologies at our Lab

MMLLC Update OCTOBER 21, 2023 New Energy Technologies at our Lab Excites our investors! Our latest MMLLC update has caused  a huge, positive response, from both Magnetic Miles LLC, UNIT Holders and our VTNX coin holders. The potential of a…

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes


Magnetic Miles gives you the opportunity to invest in our clean energy technology.

We are now trading!

We are now Trading! “Our Liquidity has been fortified to continue trading” I am pleased to announce our Votonx Liquidity has been fortified to continue trading our VTNX tokens and VOTG NFT’S. The pause gave our Crypto-currency Team the opportunity…